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[코로나19 2단계-영어] For 2weeks (8.16~) in Seoul·Gyeonggi Province Social-distancing level 2 upgrade에 대한 게시글입니다.

제목과 작성일, 작성자, 조회수, 첨부파일, 내용을 제공합니다.

[코로나19 2단계-영어] For 2weeks (8.16~) in Seoul·Gyeonggi Province Social-distancing level 2 upgrade

  • 작성일2020-08-26
  • 작성자이소영
  • 조회수4646

The residents of Seoul and Gyeonggi province

refrain from meeting or going out for the next 2 weeks,

Please stay at home except for the necessary outing.

1. Recommendation to refrain from gatherings·meetings·events

*50 people indoors, more than 100 people outdoors

2. Mandatory additional quarantine measures for some high-risk facilities such as clubs

3. High-risk multi-use facilities * Mandatory compliance with core quarantine rules

*Academy, Wedding hall, Funeral hall, Cinema, Bathhouse

4. Restriction on the number of users of indoor national·public facilities

5. No audience game transition for sports event

6. Recommendation to switch school remote classes to City·Gun·Gu


having continuous outbreak


7. Recommendation to limit the number of workers of enterprises·institutions through flexible· home based work

Translated by Danuri Helpline Center 1577-1366

이전,다음 게시물 목록을 볼 수 있습니다.
이전글 [코로나19 2단계-우즈벡어] Seul va Gyeonggi-do tumanida odamlar orasida masofa saqlash rejimi 2 haftaga (8.16 ~) 2 bosqichga ko'tarildi
다음글 [코로나19 2단계-베트남어] Trong 2 tu?n (t? 16.8 ~) Gi?n c?ch x? h?i c?p đ? 2 khu v?c Seoul. Gyeonggi

만족도 현재 페이지에 대하여 얼마나 만족하십니까?
